Friday, May 9, 2014

How lower level coaches can be successful

It is not the entire formula, but it is a start. Every coach has a system. Each coach's system differs, at least a little, from all others. This does not make one system right and another wrong, but the coach - and the team - have to know what the system is and buy into it. So . . .

1. Recruit to your system. Get the type players who fit what you are trying to do, even if they might not work as well in another system.

2. Teach you system. Make it second nature to your players. By the time they are upper classmen they need to be doing it without thinking.

3. Get experience in your system. You have to have some jucos, but you also need younger players who grow up learning your system until it is engrained in them, and they are then able to pass it along to the younger players almost by osmosis.

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