Monday, November 13, 2017

Less the what than the why

The fact that we lost to Ouachita in itself does not concern me. Teams lose all the time to lower-tier teams, especially at this point in the season. It is just a fact of life in basketball. What I don't know (someone may, I do not) is why we lost to them. If we just caught a team with nothing to lose on a hot night, it does not worry me at all; that is what the stupid 3-point shot can do. If our lack of perimeter defense is chronic and Wes has done nothing to fix it, then that is a major problem. If it was first-game jitters for a bunch of new faces, I won't lose any sleep over it. If Wes is not sufficiently a disciplinarian to make his players do what they ought to do, then we have a major problem. Time will tell why we lost. Right now I am just moving on in blissful ignorance. I will worry about it later.

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