Friday, March 9, 2018

Why all the Tubby bashing?!

Why has Tubby Smith become such a popular kick-dog with the media and fans these days? In the first place, let's remember that he has a national championship, and five different programs in the NCAA tournament on his resume (no one has taken more teams to the Dance). So, he definitely qualifies as a great coach.

In his last stop before Memphis, he turned around a Texas Tech program on the heels of the Billy Gillespie fiasco. And let us now forget that Chris Beard's current team is no where near as good without Keenan Evans - and who recruited Evans to TTech? Hmmm?

Sure, there were several players who jumped ship when Tubby came to Memphis, but let's not forget that it was Sleezipari and his clone who had been at Memphis before Tubby, and when an old school coach like Tubby comes along, sure there are going to be some pampered whiners who will leave. It was a rocky start, but that was to be expected given the circumstances. Oh yes, the fickle Memphis fans are staying away right now, but if they want a coach who will do it the right way, then they will be patient. And, oh by the way, Memphis just won their 20th game this season, so the program is not exactly a train wreck at this point.

Tubby Smith is one of the great college basketball coaches. Memphis fans need to realize that and climb back on board.

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