Thursday, July 11, 2019

For my birthday

I have a birthday coming up in a few weeks. What would I like? Just give me one honest-to-goodness back-to-the-basket post-up blue-collar hard-nosed look-inside-first in-your-face I'm-going-to-slam-it-and-you-can't-stop-me type big man. Anywhere. He doesn't have to be in Little Rock, just anywhere in the country. Give me some basketball like it used to be when men were men and weren't afraid of getting their hands dirty and butting heads down low, instead of launching don't-touch-me 3-pointers, and then flopping like they do now.

I would think that would be a strategic advantage, since one hardly ever sees those any more and consequently probably does not know how to defend them.

That is not too much to ask for an old man's birthday, is it?

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