Wednesday, April 29, 2015

30-second shot clock: What would it accomplish?

It looks like there is a good chance that the NCAA will change the rules to shorten the shot clock to 30 seconds. What would this accomplish? Probably not much. That is not enough of a decrease to make coaches change their styles. Probably all it means is that teams that cannot get off a shot would be heaving up desperation 3-pointers five seconds earlier. I am sure the rule change is designed (as always) to generate more offense, and it would probably increase scoring by a little bit simply because teams would be taking more total shots, but it is doubtful that it would change the pace of games.

There is, however, one area where it might make a subtle difference. Since seconds to shot would be more precious by 8.6%, teams would be wanting to get across the time line and into their offenses that much sooner, which means it would be that much more beneficial for opposing teams to press in order to slow them down.

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